Church Digital Transformation

Digital Essentials

Package Overview

Our Basic Digital Transformation Package for Churches and Christian Ministries is designed to help religious organizations establish a strong online presence. The package includes a comprehensive digital marketing audit to analyze current online strategies, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and provide recommendations for enhancement. We develop a customized digital transformation strategy that aligns with your goals, considers your target audience, and incorporates an effective content and social media plan. Finally, our action work plan prioritizes digital initiatives based on available resources and timelines, ensuring smooth implementation and monitoring of your organization’s digital transformation journey.


Package Outline

Everything in the Digital Accelerator package plus:

Digital Marketing Audit

  • Review of current online presence
  • Website analysis
  • Social media assessment
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) evaluation
  • Identification of strengths and areas for improvement
  • Recommendations for enhancing digital presence


Digital Transformation Strategy

  • Defining digital goals and objectives
  • Identifying target audience
  • Demographics
  • Online behaviour patterns
  • Content strategy development
  • Blog posts, podcasts, videos, etc.
  • Frequency and scheduling
  • Social media plan
  • Platform selection and usage
  • Engagement strategies


Action Work Plan

  • Prioritizing digital initiatives based on goals, resources, and timelines
  • Assigning responsibilities and task delegation within the organization or ministry
  • Developing a monitoring and measurement framework
Digital Transformation Packages